Summer Loving!

Summer Loving!

Well, it seems I have been so distracted with the BEAUTIFUL weather I have completely forgotten my blog, apologies kind reader. Although those that know me well would have expected this, I am affectionately named “the lizard” thanks to my delight in the hot sunshine.

Things have been busy at Floral Rebellion HQ. I now have a flower cart that gets rolled out once a week. It is adorned with grab and go bunches of British blooms, grown just down the road, no air miles here! And some of my Willow gifts that are hand crafted by my grubby little mitts using English willow. Willow is creeping more and more into my work and I am looking forward to sharing new items with you over the coming months.

Some top tips for keeping your cut blooms performing at their best in the hot weather:

  • Stand somewhere cool
  • Keep out of direct sunlight – don’t put them on the window ledge for all to see!
  • Change the water every day
  • Remove spent blooms asap

I have a table booked at Codford Artisan Market at the end of this month. I am really excited to return to the area having worked in the village before, I am hoping to catch some familiar faces there. Although my tiny brain can’t really cope with the idea, I am getting booked up for Christmas already. I have wreath workshops in the offing, and tables at various markets reserved, details of which I will share with you closer to the time…. I really can’t face thinking too deeply about Winter right now.

Enjoy the glorious weather folks, it is such a joy and too short lived.

Steph x

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