Hello December

Hello December

Well, December turned out to be quite an event here at Floral Rebellion HQ.

I have to say I was delighted with the interest from you lovely lot. Workshops sold out with incredible speed, my books were full with Wreath making at home parties. and just before Christmas, orders for Floral Rebellion gift bouquets that were traditionally, nontraditional! Then, always an honor, in amongst the cheerful hustle and bustle, the quiet, contemplative moments making memorial wreaths.

This time of year does make me reflective, mainly a hankering for the better weather, but also a good time to reassess priorities and decide what worked and what didn’t work in the year just gone by, and it is opportunity to look ahead to what the New Year may look like.  Feedback from the workshops and parties was so good, they will certainly be back with a bang in the upcoming year, and I have started sharing ideas with two local, likeminded businesses… keep your eyes peeled for updates coming soon.

Looking ahead, I will be taking a couple of weeks off to maraud with FRD at the start of the year. Our wanderlust is getting the better of us at the moment, sadly my longed for cocktail in a coconut shell will have to wait thanks to travel restrictions, but we need to get out and explore, even if it is in the wet and the cold of good old England, our countryside is still beautiful.

Happy New Year all, see you on the other side.

Steph x

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