October looms...

October looms...

How are you faring in this terrible weather dear readers? I hope you are ok and not at any risk, the recent rainfall is a bit much to say the least.

You won’t believe it, but I am getting organized this year! Who’da thought it?! I am actually arranging Christmas workshops! Controversially, I am swerving the traditional wreath making wokshops in the most part this year. Truthfully, I found it hard selling them last year, not because I don’t enjoy teaching them, I truly do, but it seemed that there was less enthusiasm for them. So, I am ringing the changes. Willow Christmas themed workshops are coming. I have had chats with the lovely folk at Oaktrack Smallholding and we have decided on a range of willow workshops for you on the run up to the festive period. Having swerved the wreaths, we have in fact curated a list of workshops with much more variety than I would have ever put my mind to before. This decision has genuinely made me offer you guys much more choice. I am excited, and from chats I have had with customers at markets and workshops, you lot are excited about them too.

All of that being said, traditional wreaths are not totally off the schedule. So, if wreaths are really what tickles your pickle, I am still offering private workshops, at home parties and wreath making kits. I come to you with everything you need to make a big, beautiful, natural festive wreath. These options offer you much more flexibility with the date/time of the event, you can do it when it suits you, and it's a great way to catch up with friends and family before the Christmas madness hits and if you are the host… you don’t even need to leave the house!

Give me a shout if you would like more details:

steph@floralrebellion.co.uk or 07410898560 I always like a natter.

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